Cards, Music & Drop in Programs

Cards & Board Games

Open to Members Only, however if you are a non-member, you are welcome to try out the program for a maximum of three times before becoming a member.

Cribbage – Denis Briand, Alan Stalker & Cheryl Orr, Conveners
Cribbage is played with a regular 52-card deck, by two, three, or four players. The Crib program is played every Friday at 1:00 pm in the West Community Room.


Beginners Cribbage – Eileen Sawatzky, Convener
New to Cribbage? Come play and learn every Tuesday afternoon at 1:30pm in the Dunford Diner Annex!


Euchre- Judy Baumann & Marlene Nap, Conveners
Euchre is generally played by four persons, with a pack of 32 cards, consisting of nines through the aces. The Euchre program runs Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. in the Dunford Diner Annex.


Bid Euchre – Sharon VanDenHengel & Judy Workman , Conveners

Bid Euchre is played every Wednesday afternoon at 1:00 pm in the Dunford Diner Annex. 32 cards are dealt (double deck from Ace to Jack) Eight cards per person. Game is finished when all players have dealt twice. Play with partners same as regular Euchre. Each player bids once starting with the person to the left of the dealer, highest bidder leads, if you win the bid you only count the number of tricks bid, not the number of tricks taken. There is a $3.00 per day fee for members.


Contract Bridge – Dianne Smith, Convener

This program meets on Mondays Thursdays, and Friday in the Dunford Diner Annex at 1:00 pm. Anyone wishing to learn the game or wanting to join in, please stop by. *No Contract Bridge on May 8 & June 5


Canasta – Gail Petrie, Convener
Canasta is a card game of the Rummy family. Players attempt to make melds of seven cards of the same rank and “go out” by playing all cards in their hands.  Canasta is played in the Dining Room Annex every Tuesday at 12:45 pm.


Texas Hold’em – Mike Bennett, Pino Zucchelli & Marilyn Maloff, Conveners

The subject of many a disagreement in Westerns, was the game Texas Hold’em. Fast forward to present day and minus the saloon / gun fights, Texas Hold’em has become the most popular poker game in North America.  Hold’em is a community card game where each player may use any combination of the five community cards and his/her own two hole cards to make a poker hand. This is a fun and easy game to learn.  There is a small weekly fee to play the game. Texas Hold’em is played every Tuesday at 1:00 pm in the West Community Room.


Scrabble – Lucy Graham, Convener

Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by forming words from individual lettered tiles on a game board.  The words are formed across/down in a crossword fashion.  Players meet on Tuesday at 1:00 pm in the Craft Room. If you are interested, drop in any Tuesday. *No Scrabble on March 18.


Beginners Chess Club– Cliff Helm, Convener
This is the newest program at Nord-Bridge! This is for beginners wanting to learn how to play Chess! Its once a week starting Friday, March 14th at 9:00 am- 11:00 am in the Craft Room. If you are interested drop in any Friday.



Social Activities Members only unless otherwise stated.

Jammers – Vacant, Convener

Monday Jammers is one of the Centre’s most popular programs.  If you enjoy music (playing or listening) stop by to be part of this jam, or sit back and enjoy the music.  The  Jammers meet in the Dunford Diner & Dunford Diner Annex each Monday from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm.  As seating is limited, there is a $3.00 fee for Non-Members to attend this program. *No program on stat holidays.


Music Makers – Gwen Whitt, Convener

The Nord-Bridge Music Makers is a group that gets together weekly to sing. This group’s main focus is music and performing at different seniors’ health & housing facilities. The group meets weekly at Nord-Bridge in the Dunford Diner Annex on Tuesday from 10:00 – 11:30 am. New singers and acoustic instrumentalists are welcome. We are currently looking for more singers as well! Contact Gwen if interested!


NEW “New” Comers Meet & Greet  – Barb LeClair, Heather Schmitt, & Laureen Palmer, Conveners
Strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet. Are you a new member and have trouble going into a room full of people that you would love to have coffee with? Lots of seniors attend Nord-Bridge for exercise, cards, or art, but this group makes that special human connection. Here is your chance to come and meet others as we are always looking for new faces. We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 10:00 am in the Dunford Dunford Diner starting January 7. Every new member will receive a FREE coupon for a treat from our Dunford Diner! Drop in any time that suits you.


Baking/Cooking at the Interfaith Foodbank In partnership with the Lethbridge Family Centre come and have fun creating and socializing while using fresh ingredients from the Chinook Country Kitchen’s garden! Lots of food to take home at the end of the session as well! Please register at Nord-Bridge or call 403-329-3222 and ask for Ashley. For Seniors 55+. We begin Tuesday, Jan. 28, Feb. 25, Mar. 25, Apr. 29, May 27, & June 26 at 1:00 pm — 3:00 pm located at Chinook Country Kitchen (Inside the Interfaith Foodbank) 1103 3 Ave. N. This is FREE for Members and $15.00 for Non-Members. Please bring to-go containers to take food home.


Ukulele Circle
Discover the joy of strumming and singing with us! Whether you’re a seasoned ukulele pro or a beginner, all are welcome at this program! Bring your ukulele, tuner, music stand, and let’s play together! We play every Friday: from 9:00 –9:30 am is for tuning and learning & 9:30 am-10:45 am is for playing music.
Location: Dunford Diner Annex
Fee: FREE for members only drop in on what ever day works!
Convener: Laree Findlay



Intergenerational Programs

LSKIP– Lethbridge Family Centre In partnership with the Lethbridge Family Centre, this intergenerational program is with children between the ages 1 – 10 years old. Nord-Bridge Seniors and the children are then partnered up together and participate in crafts, listen to story-telling, and ending off with music and nursery rhymes. We are always looking for more fun Nord-Bridge Senior members to volunteer in this program. Please talk to Ashley if you have any questions or would like to sign up. Upcoming dates: Wednesday, Jan. 29, Feb. 26, Mar. 26, Apr. 23, May 28, & June 25 at 3:15 pm- 4:15 pm in the Multi-Purpose Hall of Nord-Bridge.


Intergenerational Game Afternoon- Park Meadows Elementary School This is an intergenerational program between the Park Meadows Elementary School Grade 5 students and Nord-Bridge Senior members. They play a variety of board games with the seniors followed by a light snack all in just over an hour We are always looking for more fun Nord-Bridge Senior members to volunteer in this program. Please talk to Ashley if you have any questions or would like to sign up. This program is FREE to join! Upcoming Dates: Thursday, Jan. 23, Feb. 13, Mar. 20, Apr. 10, May 22, and June 19 at 1:20 pm –2:45 pm in the West Community Room. This is open to anyone 55+ and is free to join!


NEW Park Meadows Shadow Puppet Pilot Project In partnership with the Park Meadows Elementary School Grade 5 Fine Arts Teacher and Nord-Bridge seniors Mind Joggers Writing Group, they will be partnered up with a child to create and perform a shadow puppet play from the short stories of the seniors. If interested, please contact Ashley at 403-329-3222. We are looking for dedicated, creative, passionate, and knowledgeable seniors. This pilot program began in November 2024 and tentatively begins in January 2025 with more de-tails will be announced in the monthly newsletter.



Mind Joggers Writing Group – Ted Sillito, Jack Simmons, & Judy Knox Conveners
The Mind Joggers Writers Group is a casual, friendly group that is always looking for new members.  Each person has memories that are important to record for future generations.  This group is here to offer encouragement and support as you get started in writing. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to write, once you get over the initial fear. Drop-in to the Berlando Boardroom on Thursdays at 9:30 am to see if this program is for you. You may want to just listen or join the discussions. Begins January 9


Genealogy with Linda and Grant Harker!
Enhance your knowledge of online and local resources to help you grow your family tree. Your discoveries are more valued when supported by sources. Course outline will be determined by the interests of participants. Possible topics will include building family trees beginning with what you know, researching for missing info or ancestors, learning to use resources such as ancestry, family search etc., and how to attach sources to support finds and improve accuracy. *Laptop or tablet required in this course & must be computer literate. 

Session 1 Begins: Tuesday, January 14 Ends: March 4
Session 2 Begins: Tuesday, Mar. 11 Ends: Apr. 29
Time: 10:30 am — 11:30 am
Location: Flex Room
Fee: Members: $35.00 Non Members: $55.00
Instructor: Barbara Dudley
Max. Attendees: 10


Brain Knowledge Mornings with Building Brains Together!
A notable determinant of brain health is executive function. Join the Building Brains team from the University of Lethbridge Neuroscience department to refresh your knowledge about the brain and try some fun activities that enhance and strengthen brain function! Registration required any time after Jan. 7th. *Please note session 1 has an earlier time than session 2.

Session 2 Begins: Tuesday, May 20 Ends: June 10
Time: 10:00am– 11:00 am
Location: Flex Room (beside the pool room)
Fee: FREE for anyone 55+
Instructor: Vicki Hazelwood

Drop-In Activities

Drop-In Activities are open to Members Only.  However, if you are a non-member, you can try the activity for a maximum of three times before you need to become a member (*excluding the pool room). You do not need to sign-up for the following programs once you are a member. Begins second week of September unless otherwise specified. 

Carpet Bowling– Margaret Blais, Convener
Carpet Bowling is a team sport played on an indoor carpet, using bowls and a jack. The object is for the team to gain as many shots as possible by getting their bowls nearer to the jack than their opponents. Our group welcomes new members, and is willing to give instruction if needed. Carpet Bowling is held on Wednesday & Friday at 10:00 am in the Multi-Purpose Hall. Returns Jan. 8. *No class on Mar. 7 & Apr. 2.


Darts – Carol Doroshenko, Convener
Darts is an indoor game in which players take turns throwing darts.  Players start at a set score of usually 501 and win by reducing their score to zero. There are ten dart boards in the Multi-Purpose Hall.  Darts is played every Monday* and Wednesday at 1:00 pm.  New and novice players are welcome. *Darts is cancelled on 3rd Monday of each month or the Monday on which it falls to accommodate the Outreach Program.


Pool –  Steve King, Convener
The Veres Family Games Room is open daily 8:30 am – 4:30 pm and  has three pool tables: One Eight / Nine Ball regulation table for both men & ladies, and two twelve-foot tables suitable for pool golf and snooker. *Please be advised, a user fee is required for this program. An annual fee of $50.00 or an alternate drop-in fee of $2.00 per day to play can be paid at the drop box located at the entrance of the Veres Family Games room.


Table Shuffleboard – Clay Olsen, Convener
Shuffleboard is a game in which players slide metal weighted pucks down a long smooth wooden table into a scoring area at the opposite end of the table.  There are two shuffleboards in the Veres Family Games Room.  The scheduled day and time for the program is Tuesday at 9:00 am,  but the shuffleboard tables can be used at other times as available. *Members are welcome to drop-in anytime.


Table Tennis – Jerry Mikusek & Dave Bergen, Conveners
This activity is located in the Multi-Purpose Hall on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 7:00 pm, and includes open play, singles & doubles. New members are welcome and instruction is available if required. Non-Members pay a $2.00 nightly drop-in fee.


Floor Shuffleboard – Heather Schmitt, Convener
Floor Shuffleboard is a game in which players use a pole – called a cue – to drive a flat, circular disc across the floor to a scoring box. Two people or teams can play floor shuffleboard against one another and try to prevent each other from scoring. This program is played every Thursday at 1:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Hall. *Returns Jan. 9th. *No class June 5th


Bocce – Steve King, Convener
Anyone interested in Bocce, should come out to the Nor-Bridge Lions Park at 2:00PM (weather permitting) on Tuesday. Bocce will start once the weather starts to warm up (May or June). For more information refer to our monthly Newsletter.


Golf – Dan Lang & June Perreault, Conveners
Bring your golf clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays (weather permitting) as the group heads to Evergreen Golf Centre once the weather starts to warm up. Watch for more information in the monthly Newsletters as to when the golf program will start.


NEW Nord-Bridge Beginners Pickleball for Seniors 55+ –  Margaret Blais, Convener

This is a fun game resembling tennis in which players use paddles to hit a perforated plastic ball over a net. This is a great way to meet new people and stay active! Pre-register by calling 403-329-3222. Please wear comfortable indoor running shoes. All equipment is supplied but members are welcome to bring their own paddles and balls as well. This program runs every Monday at 6:30pm  & Thursday at 5:45 pm for a drop– in fee of $2.00 for members and $5.00 for non members 55+. (Please pre-register through Ashley by calling 403-329-3222.) Please use the NE doors of the building as this is played in the Multi-Purpose Hall. *Beginning in February, both Monday and Thursday start times will change to 6:00pm

