Seniors Systems Navigators (SSN)
Seniors System Navigators are located within multiple senior serving agencies including: Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO), Lethbridge Family Services (LFS), and Nord-Bridge Seniors Association. This team is supported by a Team Lead who provides clinical guidance and negotiation to ensure the seniors journey is as seamless as possible.
The Seniors System Navigators (SSN) respond to seniors 60+ in need by providing referrals and service navigation and outreach support to residents of the City of Lethbridge. The goal of this partnership and the Seniors System Navigators is to collaborate internally as well as with existing community services to engage in organized senior centered service planning, avoid agency duplication, and fill gaps, with the outcome being to deliver coordinated support to seniors.
Services are individualized and driven by psychosocial assessments and seniors-centered service planning inclusive of:
• Support to navigate and access community, health and social resources
• Assistance understanding, accessing and applying for financial benefits/assistance
• Support to access seniors independent or supported housing
• Emotional support to facilitate health coping habits and social engagement
• Ongoing support for seniors experiencing complex psychosocial
needs related to aging challenges
• Facilitate educational and support groups
• Outreach support as needed
To access the Seniors System Navigators, or if you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the Intake Line at (403) 329-1544 and a Navigator will be able to assist you.
Professionals are welcome to make referrals directly to our team.
Please click on the link below to view or print the SCSP Referral Form.